I've said it before, but the Neighborhood of Play and surrounding are really becoming one of the top nightlife scenes in the area, if you like walkable bar/brewery hops as much as I do. And this location is very much in that area. Huge benefit to whoever ends up there.

The idea of an established brewery opening there makes a lot of sense to me too. It's a pretty big and I have to imagine expensive venue for a first timer to take on. But an established brewer could definitely shoulder the cost and make themselves a big enough draw to make it immediately worthwhile. Would love to see another top downstate place like Finback or Threes open up shop here. Super longshot, but maybe even a place like Suarez would look to expanding up this way. Hell, if we're shooting for the moon, Tree House is already coming to NY, why not Trillium?

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I wonder if 3 Sons from Florida might be interested. Pretty sure that Buffalo project fell apart

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